The fantastic news came just before midnight last night, but the suspense of the moment prior was utterly torturous, the mere prospect that the capital city of our great nation may have once again failed to escape from the iron grip of Red Ken was almost too much to bear. For 8 years the leftist, self-righteous and neglectful ways of Livingstone's City Hall have undoubtably ensured the transformation of London into a dangerous, unpleasant and confusing place remeniscent of the Dickensian city. A place where you are twice as likely to be a victim of street crime than in New York City, the once U.S. capital of crime.
The campaign of Boris Johnson has undoubtably given confidence back to the people of the City of London, a confidence not only for Boris himself, but also a confidence for the Conservative Party's ability to lead the greatest city in Europe. I commend Boris Johnson for taking London from the hoards of British left wing intelligencia, and wish him all the best in achieving his vision for it. I'm sure that Boris's well known trait of achieving what he sets out to achieve will no doubt prevail in this most prominent instance, and indeed in the next four years. Three cheers for Boris...
(Picture 1: A victorious Boris Johnson last night.)
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