Terrorist attacks in Israel committed by an Arab resident of Jerusalem, the protesting of thousands of Muslims over the re-publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammad, the broadcasting of the first of many programmes in the BBC's controversial new 'WHITE' series; but why is all this happening now?
Watching Steven Hawking's fascinating documentary about the universe on Monday, I was compelled by the genius of his mind. When asked if he wanted to discover anything else in his life-time, he replied by saying that he would like to find the formula to everything, yes everything. The documentary was pretty good, with dazzling effects and mind-blowing facts, the Professor covered everything from atoms to black holes. There is however one thing that Mr Hawkins did not attempt to mention the nuclear composition of. Sod's Law eh?
The truth is that Murphy's (or Sod's) Law is indeed alive and well in the universe. Two weeks ago, I received a call from the Isle of Man casting agency, saying that they needed extras for a new film that was being made and that they wanted me to go to a costume fitting. To cut a long story short I did so, and filming it turns out was this weekend. I did plan to comment on the hugely relevant events of the times, but instead have ended up sat in a highly uncomfortable 1930's tuxedo for twelve hours a day, reading Martin Amis's 'The Second Plane' between takes, while Zac Efron (of the popular film High School Musical) re-spouts his lines over and over.
And so I ask Mr Murphy (whoever he was) and of course Mr Hawking: Why does everything have to happen now? Why can't the news just be about the NHS or something until next weekend? Eh well, a lesson well learned I say, always blog about serious world events before they occur. Oh the joys of Yin and Yang...
(Picture: The great Professor Steven Hawking of Cambridge University.)
Ah. It's probably all to do with the anthropic principle.
That we should take into account the constraints that the fact that we humans are here to observe, imposes on the sort of universe that can be observed.
That, or the universe is out to get you...
Wishing you a belated welcome to Blogpower, Martin.
Martin, hello! We are coming over to the IOM in June, for TT! Tis hubby's 50th andour 20th wedding aniversary...................can you suggest some decent eating places please?
Thanks.................oh and fancy meeting up for a drink?
My 13-year old daughter would trade places with you any time. One man's floor is another man's ceiling. Or so "they" say,
Filming has finally finished now, and Mr Efron apparently left the Island yesterday. It was great to see so many girls of a similar age on set looking at Zac as he did his thing. Many of my friend's sisters and nieces had been asking me to get autographs from him, but alas I could not. Ah well, posting finally resumes.
MrsNesbitt: Excellent stuff! I'm more of the Italian person really (in terms of food), but I would recommend:
La Piazza (Douglas)
Hop Garden Inn (Mt Murray)
Paulos (Castletown)
and The Station (Pt Erin).
Think i'm working full time over most of TT (in a dreaded guest house eeek) but thanks for the offer.
This year should be great, I've heard all sorts of good things about what's expected.
Hope you folks have a good time!
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