Last week saw the 40th anniversary of Enoch Powell's controversial 'Rivers of Blood' speech, in which the late MP warned of the threats of a multi-cultural society. In it he aired the concerns of his constituents with regard to immigration and race, and suggested that the influx of huge numbers of foreign born peoples would lead to tensions in following years. The explicitly apocalyptic suggestivity and nature of the speech still harrows the mind even today.
"In 15 or 20 years time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.... We must be mad, literally mad, to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’."Taken out of context Powell seems irrational, like a racist scaremonger making false prophesies; but if it is known that Powell is reading a letter from a concerned constituent of his, the speech seems to loose much of its ferocity. At the time however this was irrelevant, the speech provoked outrage when it was broadcast in 1968, at a time when black America was at the height of it's civil rights movement, and the results of the British 1950s immigration experiment were first being made known. Powell was remembered for what he said on that day for the rest of his life, he became a hero to some, and an monster to others as a direct consequence of it. The speech has been a stumbling block in the immigration debate ever since that day in Birmingham, a 'no-go area' for most MP's and politicians, until the influx of predominantly white European migrants in recent years has changed everything.
For half a century or more, immigration and race were always seen as one entity, and of course the two have been historically intertwined for thousands of years. For a non-white person to be residing in the UK, their family line had to have been originally extracted from elsewhere, such is the nature of evolutionary development. Colour may be a physical indication that people are of a foreign descent genetically, even though this is obviously not the rule. And because it is not the rule, people of foreign white descent may have been overlooked in the past, or not known about, by the population of the time. Because of this, concerns aired about immigration in previous decades must have been directly linked to race and colour, therefore deeming it (rightly or wrongly) racist to see immigration as bad.
Due to this, concerns about immigration were previously ignored by politicians, as opposition to it was seen to be an overlying excuse for opposition to people of non-white descent. Despite the fact that an uneducated, racist element may still reside within the UK, I believe it is far smaller than those politicians previously thought. And that in fact more people are opposed to uncontrolled immigration full stop, whether immigrants coming into Britain are white or not. This realisation that immigration is no longer a race issue has taken the influx of Polish, Estonian and Lithuanian immigrants into Britain in recent years, for the Left to see that people are opposed to their uncontrolled migration as well, even though they are white. If immigration was still a race issue, surely we would see the promotion of the influx of Eastern Europeans, and at the same time the opposition of non-white immigrants. The snake of racism in Britain is evidently dying, and immigration is now being taken seriously by politicians.

This week, Islamic-extremist Abu Izzadeen and five other men were convicted on charges of terrorist fund-raising and inciting terrorism overseas. Izzadeen, who has been known to BBC 2's Newsnight for four years, has openly praised the 7/7 London suicide bombings and the atrocities of 9/11 live on television, and is a spokesman for banned extremist group Al-Ghurabaa. If I were to remark on the relevance of verses in the Quran which may justify the extremist views of Izzadeen, I may be accused of (as I have before) 'Islamaphobia'. The fact that extremists are generally known to be non-white may also have led to an accusation of my being a 'racist' or 'xenophobe' as well, until now.
One of the men convicted along with Izzadeen was 35 year old Simon (Sulayman) Keeler, a white convert to Islam from Whitechapel in London. Keeler's anti-American, anti-western sentiment had also been made known on BBC 2's Newsnight in 2004. On 9/11 he said this:
"I don't believe in democracy. It's man made. You're talking about a government that taxes the people to death. It oppresses many millions of people in the world. It wouldn't be such a shame to have them overturned. You're talking about one man, Tony Blair, sends a bunch of aircraft into Iraq, bombs a bunch of people. You're talking about another man, Osama Bin Laden, who sends a bunch of aeroplanes into America and bombs a bunch of people - what is the difference? You tell me."And on the victims of 9/11:
"But you talk about 3,000 so-called innocents. What about the 200,000 innocents in Afghanistan? What about the one million children in Iraq who died as a result of America's foreign policy? Let's remember who we're talking about. You're crying about the fact that America, the oppressor, has been punched in the nose. That's what happened"It is one thing to be aware of the frightening reality that is the home-grown threat of terrorism, but it is quite another to now accept that white, British converts may also be as willing to blow themselves up in British cities as people such as Muhammad Siddiq Khan and Shehzad Tanweer. The only good thing I can see from this scenario, is that the threat of this extremist ideology can now be made known. To see the London suicide bombers as nothing more than murderers is dangerous, and it is ignorant and naive to think that only foreignly extracted Muslims are capable of such atrocities. The proof of the danger of Islamism is now clear, the ideology must be defeated.

It is no use locking up people on terrorism charges all the time, hoping and praying that people like Anjem Choudary leave enough substantial evidence for the authorities to take legal action against them, even though we all know of their abhorrent views. Groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir need to be banned in Britain, as does the public proclamation of support for such groups. In Germany and Austria it is illegal to depict Nazism in a positive light or to possess any Nazi paraphernalia; and to openly deny the holocaust is an act that will rightly land one in jail in those countries. Nobody disputes these laws, and so why not implement something similar here? Islamism, like Nazism, is no joke.
Situationary evolution has once again meant that the racial gap has been bridged, potentially meaning that reactionary debate might no longer be hindered by re-worded accusations of racism. The enlightening realisation that we might not only be at war with Islamists, but with our own genetic countrymen in future years, changes the way we now view the extremist threat. There is now a danger that because the adoption of Islamism is a choice, which white and non-white may endeavour in, it may prove to become a far wider phenomenon than previously anticipated. Remember if you will the number of victims of the London bombings, 52 people were killed and 700 others were injured by a mere four men, a mere four dedicated Islamists. Race was an irrelevant factor...
(Picture 1: Enoch Powell in 1968.)
(Picture 2: Abu Izzadeen heckling John Reid in 2006.)
(Picture 3: Recently gaoled Sulayman Keeler at an extremist rally.)